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Avatarism Presents: The Definition of Avatarism, Part 2

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Avatarism Presents: The Definition of Avatarism, Part 2

What can Avatarism do for society?

Look deep within yourself at the dreams and hopes that you have failed to put into action as of now. Who would you be if you reversed that pattern and began to embody those dreams with the kind of zeal usually reserved for zealots? How would the remainder of your life be played if you lost your fear? What is keeping you from starting now? If we were all confident and free to enact our dreams in an unashamed way, how fast could we cause change in society?

Wars, protests, and fights change the culture very little and very slowly. But when individuals begin to change the culture from the inside……..a groundswell happens. Because that kind of energy is infectious and viral, the culture moves fast and furious. The revolution is within, this is a revolution of spirit.  So while the patriarchal model of change may be  fight, fight, fight. The Avataristic model is Embody, Up-Level, Uphold. 

EMBODY the highest vision you can create for yourself. Use the Avatar Character Sheet or any other means of design to collect physical, emotional, magical, and wisdom based skill sets. 

UP-LEVEL  your current character away from the mundane and degenerate programs that no longer serve you and that you did not wholly choose.Use focus, study, ritual, emulation of archetypes and role models to impress your nervous system and turn on your deep memory circuits so that you can get the data in for good. 

UPHOLD yourself to your self created  model while communicating  to your tribe, your friends and groups of influence what those changes are. In this way, the people around you can uphold you and remind you of who you are creating yourself to be and not who you have been in the past. 

We don’t need to exert our power upon the world as much as we need to become powerfully inspired and confident individuals. Only from that standpoint can we hope to change the world for good.

You can’t fake a phenomenon.
— -“Burning Dan” Gordon Levitt 1974-2010

Thanks for reading the Avatarism Blog! I sincerely hope we meet soon, down the dusty road, living our dreams in the glorious future. 

Onward and upwards, forever endeavor,

iRev. Alexander Polinsky Founder of Avatarism

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

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#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold


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Avatarism Presents: Learning To Speak With Conviction


Avatarism Presents: Learning To Speak With Conviction

If you want to change the world

If you want to make what is true in your heart known to others

and if you want that data to be taken seriously and remembered

Here is some advice

Learn how to communicate to other humans 

Clearly, simply and with conviction

There is a trend among us talking monkeys to use a….

Milk toast?

Half assed?

Limp sausage?

way of speaking about…..

what we really think is important? 


(you’ll get it after you watch the clip)

It may be fear of rejection, or fear or retribution, but as I see it it serves no one to give the greatest linguistic gift you have to give in a mousy and underwhelming fashion with an upward inflection.

I’m not saying yell and strut at people as you elucidate about your wu wu..

But hey….let’s give some thought to how the pearls get cast kids!

This comedian gets it right, and it’s at once hilarious and true.

As I am a reverend of the church of horny/holy/humorous

this guy is gonna get a key to the rectory for sure.

Watch and learn


iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

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#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism Is The Game Of Finding Yourself


Avatarism Is The Game Of Finding Yourself

Avatarism is the game of finding yourself.

Who do you want to be, and how can you powerfully create yourself?

There are many characters inside each one of us. Look and see. Dad and mom, friends, movies, books, professors, urges, wins and misfortunes. We are a patchwork quilt of experiences, but many of them, we did not wholly choose. Ask your friends where their views and beliefs came from and you’ll find that most people have consciously collected some ideologies from outside sources and have had others thrust upon them by parents, churches, or groups.

It’s a game - find the best stuff and assimilate it into your character. You are allowed to do this! It’s the best gift we have been given! Being changeable and having the ability to self-program is, hands down, the most effective way to have a happy life. 

What would happen if YOU decided to reprogram yourself?

Could you become smarter, more compassionate, or more successful?

If you could, would you create yourself to be a better leader, lover, manager, or friend?

Can you understand that you and your current state of mind is the only thing stopping you from being the highest vision you have for yourself?

I can’t convince you of this by mere words on a page. You must put away your intellect which says that people cannot change.

Intellects vary wildly, but emotional experience is common. The emotions you feel as you are doing something new, scary, or unfamiliar are wonder, interest, involvement. New neurological pathways are formed as a result of an intense or novel experience, and more lasting memories are created. Your brain is awake and you record the whole experience in deep memory, because your brain has been activated by the excitement, the challenge, and the novelty.

In this “seen it all, done it twice” world, we need a higher level of novelty and a more personal form of motivation to really light us up and get us into a new frame of thinking. The brain can become sluggish if given too much of the same kind of stimulus. In order to impress the nervous system and create new pathways in the brain, we have to engineer awe, fabricate wonder, and mock up interest. We can activate our deep remembering and capacity for brain change by performing transformational Avatarism exercises -

Embodying archetypes and characters

Dramatic ritual 

Tests of courage

Avatar Character Sheets

Avatar experience games

Avatar aphorisms 

Naming ceremony 

We are on the path of creating new and more powerful rituals for ourselves. The part of the brain that creates memories needs stimuli. You cannot sit in your chair, watch TV, eat microwaved foods, and expect to feel as though you’ve lived a full life.

Only through knowing yourself, re-imagining yourself, and honing your own flow, can you see real and lasting changes in your actions and reactions.


The vision map/vision board/ or list of future goals is a sure fire way to overload yourself. Most goal and “to-do” lists are flimsy contracts envisioned with a needy spirit. I have attended many workshops and self help seminars where they get you to promise to do and achieve all these things, and as soon as the workshop ends, you get home and the slipping starts. 

If you create an Avatar Character Sheet and really map out your highest vision for yourself in a fearless and fantastic way, you may begin to live through that vision. You will see with new eyes. Your perception of what is possible will be widened and upleveled. If you tell your closest friends and family members about your new character, you automatically begin to hold yourself accountable and encourage them to uphold your character when you forget who you want to be. You may now achieve the goals and dreams on your epic to-do lists from a standpoint of power.

To fully use the power of attraction, you must first magnetize yourself!

Be livin’ it,

iRev. Alexander Niver Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism Presents: Make It Real


Avatarism Presents: Make It Real

There is no sense in calling yourself a ninja if you possess no throwing stars, no black suit, no claw gloves, and have had no ninja training at all. Calling yourself batman-like is worthless unless you can embody some Batman qualities. Learn a kick, a flip, make a cloak and patrol the hood, do something to make it real.

The day I landed the role of a wwII medic I freaked out because I had no idea what that lifestyle was like. I can’t go back in time and see, so I called a wwII vet who was a medic. He said his job was like being a truck mechanic for humans. That was it, I played a truck mechanic who is forced to heal soldiers on the battlefield. That piece of info was the one thing I needed to make it real. After that, I just knew who this guy was. Deeper mastery takes deeper inquiry. The path to making embodied avatars, mastering skill sets, and creating program changes lies in how you choose to make it real. 

Tell us what you want to do. Tell us who you want to be. We will uphold you as your highest vision you have for yourself. Together we will uplevel and find mastery.

Yes, love.
iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism Presents: Why Create Your Character?


Avatarism Presents: Why Create Your Character?

With the magnitude of choices we are faced with these days, we need a strong sense of self and self confidence to get what we want out of this life. We are being marketed to and told what to buy and who to be at every turn. If you pay too much attention to this rabble you may end up being defined by the things that outsiders throw at you, and not the character traits you would have chosen for yourself. 

Those who can consciously create their own character and develop unique and workable social personality traits are more able to deal with stress, create affluence, and achieve success in the workplace. People with the skills of Avatarism maintain business relationships, create strong bonds with friends, family, and more easily interact with strangers. 

With Avatarism, some courage, and a willingness to play, you can modify the character program you have been running for good. Using the pure positive approach of Avatarism, you can get off the negative, and go forward into the embodiment of the happy and adventurous person you wish to be.

Avatarism is both an ancient, and a modern technique for modifying character and self image.  With Avatarism you can quickly and permanently alter the way you react to stress by increasing your ability to love your life and yourself. People in love with life and themselves are more productive, more fun to work with, and more attractive to everyone. 

Avatarism creates a culture of excellence for the individual and minimizes the negative force of unworkable personality traits by developing a superhuman focus on a new set of self created values and prime directives. 

IRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism presents, “Acting is embodiment”


Avatarism presents, “Acting is embodiment”

Today I am a zombie. This morning I was a living god, A meathead jock, A slacker, And a wannabe goth. I am called upon to embody many archetypes as an actor. I put my own personality on hold and live through the character.

What does embodiment do beyond a break from the usual reality?

It informs your unconscious mind that there are other ways of being. These alternate personal realities are powerfully impact full and afterwards you are never quite the same.

 Scared of losing yourself? Here’s my advice. Don’t lose yourself. You are perfect, whole, and ready for more. Avatarism is based on acting, ritual theatre, and many ancient and modern spiritual technologies. Use avatarism like a spice. Sprinkle it on a little at a time. When you are ready, a medicinal dose of embodiment may suit your character. But till then, start small. A clown nose in rush hour traffic. A foreign accent at the supermarket. Practicing balancing a chair on your chin. (carefully) Or learning a new word in Russian.

Observe, emulate, embody, uplevel. Try on the hero’s cloak, hold aloft the heroine’s sword, mutate into a beast of unimaginable power. See what you learn.

Avatarism is a game where you get to make up the content of your own character, hone your own flow, and as a result become a gift to the world.


IRev alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold


Photo courtesy of the radiant Amanda Sage


Avatarism presents: “Never be a stranger to yourself again”


Avatarism presents: “Never be a stranger to yourself again”

Avatarism is a game of conscious character creation on the real world platform. We play for what we want. We uplevel and surmount life’s obstacles with an adventurous heart and focused action. We love, teach, embody powerful archetypes, and uphold each other. We heal our wounds, practice good stewardship of the earth, and master incredible skills to serve humanity and ourselves.

Won’t someone save me?

After finding out that we are all alone in our skin and no one else is gonna save us. We get to give up looking, and become our own best friend on this epic journey. We get to build our best friend from the ground up using the best philosophical ideas and workable skill sets we can find. Then, when we attain even a little mastery, we erupt with gratitude for realizing that the happiness, confidence, and wisdom we possess was generated by ourselves, no one imposed it upon us, and no one can take it from us.

For people on the path of victory, there will be many twists and turns.

- Alexander Polinsky

People talk about power coming from money, success, or breeding but I ask you this….If you could walk into a room and be the most magnetizing, full of possibility, clear eyed, focused mind, brightest damn creature there, What couldn’t you do? That is it!  You could start a movement, rise to the top of an industry, have the connections you desire, all because your will was strong enough to craft yourself into a superhero, a leader, a victory-maker, A person that other people want to be. 

Power is not my goal. My goal is about impacting individuals. I want to help create a world where people make their own character. Where they feel free to drop their old programming, circular patterns, unworkable modes of thinking, way of speaking, style of dress, way of walking, eating habits ANYTHING AT ALL THAT IS NOT SERVING YOU FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD, and create a new character. You will retain your body of course, but you might see it change. Avatarism is known to create body awareness and body health as a result. The desire to hone our humanity is universal, everyone is whole, perfect and ready for more, every soul can uplevel, and uphold. 

Avatarism is about building your character with passion. 

I realize that some of the people around you,

may hate you

misunderstand you.

or resent you for being the sparkliest thing in the room.

They try to troll you into submission with gossip, sarcasm, and other kinds of black magic.

Understand that the ones who oppose you for your brilliance are like scared little children who most likely cannot generate the same magnetism as you. They never learned to use seduction to get their way. Instead they play the game of force, manipulation, and deceit because it was what they were taught. Finding out that your programming is flawed or even degenerate, wo……that’s a big one Bob! Hats and wigs off to the one who wakes up, and changes everything for their highest good. That is heroic.

Avatarism coaching could be the thing that wakes you up and starts you off in that whole new direction. New ways of thinking and absorbing information become clear thru training. New pathways in the brain form as we grapple with possible identity additions or subtractions. Mylan, the frilly connective tissue in the brain is produced in the human at all stages of development. At no time in your life do you stop being able to grow new brain cells. This is key to understanding how Avatarism works so well.


I have seen the most interesting changes in people as a result of this work. Attitudes change, life’s work discovered, passion rekindled, and confidence sparked. From the smallest habit like biting your nails or a facial tic to the most troubling like self hatred or violence. Embodying, upleveling, and upholding brings people to center. It makes you the conductor of the symphony that is your life. You feel more and more in touch and in tune with your own unique and powerful vibration. 

You will never be a stranger to yourself again,

if you play this game,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism presents: “How to become a SUPERHERO in your lifetime”


Avatarism presents: “How to become a SUPERHERO in your lifetime”

These are some of the notes that I used to teach the Avatarism section of the “Vivation/Flow/Avatarism Superhero Training.” It was a really special event oranized by Paul Hughes of Vivation Int., with the amazing Teafaerie and Thom of Flowtemple, in 2010.

I hope this gives you some reality on Avatarism and how to manifest it in the game of your life. 




Say “yes!” (loud)

You are perfect, whole, and free to up-level. 

Welcome home…….I assert that we are made in the image of the evolving hero. On the brink of greatness, and capable of so much awesome, one can hardly contain the babble of bubbling possibilities present in every moment for ones such as us. We can ferment the culture of awesome in our lives, on the real world platform, for each other, and for the good of the planet. We are unlimited in our capacity for skill collecting, compassion, ambition, and loving.


Stagnation is death,  we were all made to move. You have to move! Wherever we are in the time line of our adventure, we can unlock the door to something stimulating, up-leveling, and ultimately, life changing. Moving the body is essential to health. Yoga, flow arts, dance, coitus, all good for the body. Move and flow everyday to stay in your body. Your body is your spaceship, it needs maintenance my friends.


Be a conscious consumer. Inquire and learn about where your food and goods come from. If you consume junk, you are junk. It’s as simple as that. What you consume, you become. BOOKS, MOVIES, TV, FOODS, DRINKS, MEDICINES, AND EVEN FRIENDS. If these things that you consume are not upholding you and helping you create the highest vision you have for yourself, you need to trade up for something better. 

The game of Avatarism is about finding creative ways to up-level your real world platform character. There are rewards, you get achievement points in the form of respect, love, friendship, great sex, fame, and superpowers. You cannot help but to be more awesome, when you do this work. 

Consciously create your character. 

Costume yourself in the clothes, ethics, essence, and style, of your highest Avatar self. If who you have been is not working, change! It’s not hard, its a game. Play with your ability to learn new things and met new people AS this enhanced character. Add skills to your arsenal, execute coordinated acts of Awesome, up-level your character steadily, and with passion. Re-create yourself as a hero, use your new powers to help the world, and your creative acts of heroism may live forever.

“AVATARISM, the squeaky back door to Enlightenment.”

-Alexander Polinsky

“Control your destiny 42% more, Guaranteed.” -Bob Funky “The Meta-Sapian”



 Help them by improving yourself. The poor, angst riddled, sarcastic, frazzled, urban masses, wet wired to copy all they see an hear, have little inkling of their ability to change themselves or discern the workable data from the glut available to us from the interwebs, and the media. We have been at the mercy of degenerate samples, and inferior programming all our lives. But doncha’ cry, We can invent a new more excellent self, and use the self as the vessel for acts of incredible awesome. We can embody this thing into realization.

Embrace the chaos, for from chaos comes the building blocks to a brilliantly organized system.-Alexander Polinsky


“No longer awkward, and heavy, but light, and ready to move.”-Martha Growham 


The true, global, citizen, taking the best parts, from all the great paths, would come to some combination that suited hir. As all of those religions, schools of thought, or styles of living have evolved, mutated, and erred, so do we. We will mirror the evolution of all great works of art and become more beautiful and coordinated as we go. We have the right, and ability, to evolve our spirituality and our character over time, And in doing so, create a unique road to greatness, and excellence. 

“Hone your own flow”-Dan Gordon Levitt

“Ferment your own culture.”-iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Upholding Avatars.

Learn the secret identity of your tribe’s members, the inner super hero. Tell your group what you want to be, listen and be of service with that knowledge. When you forget who you are, or fall on your face, there will be the ones who can tell you who you are becoming, so you may start from there, not get back into the same old thing that brought you here to this particular breaking point. There are non player characters who will warn you and direct you to go back where you have come from. Run from those ones. They are the Gorgons, the terrible and seductive ones who mean to drain your spirit, peck at your uniqueness till it is gone, and keep you the same as you were, to comfort themselves! To truly uphold another, you must be on your true path, and be willing to receive that same blessing/guidance. 

Your word is your wand.


Examine all indwelling thought, and outward projected speech with the light of truth. Use your word to direct your action towards positive creativity. What you say about your world and your fellow avatars on the path, reverberates for longer than we know. Watch your communications for sarcasm, for the child inside does not understand sarcasm. Watch your communications for negativity (its literally addictive), Be excellent with your word, have full knowledge of it’s upholding power, and it’s destructive power.

Fake it till you make it.

No human ever sprang fully formed from their mother’s womb, and no avatar was fully embodied spontaniously. These adjustments to character, habitual thought process, and skill set happen in stages. The important thing is to be open to the phenomenon of up-leveling. You can up-level fast or slow, but you have to believe in your own capacity to change and grow. This takes confidence.

The game of Avatarism is being created now. By all of us. We are the music makers and the dreamers of dreams. We are the ones we have been waiting for. “There,” is place you have come from…….“Here,” is the door……fling it open, and start your glorious run.


It’s going to be really fun.

Not serious.

Just important!


Start acting…..diferent.

You are Avatar.


Alexander Polinsky


Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism presents: “Be a meme-generator”


Avatarism presents: “Be a meme-generator”

Last night in my bedroom in Hollywood, I heard a bird going through his mating call, in what seemed like an endless, non repeating, stream of car alarm chirps and siren sounds that reflect the dense urban area I live in. Birds are impacted by the sound-stream around them. The bird has no choice but to copy. It has been observed that monkeys, crows, and all sorts of other sentient life can pass memes to one another. This means, from humans on down, culture is behavior, and behavior is modifiable.

Our “always on and recording,” brain may not distinguish the difference between what we say and what we hear. It copies and files both. So we may understand that the subconscious must collect and assign importance to the more intense, or more oft repeated phrases or happenings,  whatever they might be. 

Be a mind-full of possibilities for the highest good. Fill your mind with self created memes of good will toward self.

“Choose wisely, for the memes we create…. reverberate.”-iRev

Just think of how many ideas and suggestions are thrown at you from people places and things, billboards, internet radio and tv memes, add to that, the ones we repeat in our heads…..we need a little more conscious self meme-ing to balance it all  out.

The word, is the wand.

To meme yourself can be powerful, transformational, linguistic magic. Focus on your intention, solidify that intention with dramatic ritual, meme the F*ck outta yourself, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

“Intention can look like action, but look closer. Intention has no action, only tension.”

-Alexander Polinsky 2012

Loving you,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



AVATARISM PRESENTS…..  “Your Sparkle Faucet’s At A Dribble Baby”


AVATARISM PRESENTS….. “Your Sparkle Faucet’s At A Dribble Baby”


When I was a kid actor on Charles in Charge I came into contact with upwards of 600 people per week. That was how many people came to see the weekly taping. After five years and a hundred or so shows I did notice a lot about the people in the audience. There were ones I remembered and ones I forgot. 

There were ones who looked like they were half asleep but still moving around, there were zombies, followers, nervous ones, the bitter, the sickly, the sweet, the old souls, the ecstatic, fanatic, star struck, and lost. So many different archetypes, and they all filed into our studio and sat there for about five hours each Thursday. 

Once in a while I would meet someone who appeared to be a complete stranger and they’d say “Hey Alex!” I would look kinda stumped and they would get a bit sore and say “Don’t you know who I am?” “Shit,"I’d say in my most honest 11 year old way "I meet so many people!” Which wouldn’t do any good for that person’s ego because it’s just confirming what they secretly know is true…..Their sparkle faucet is at a dribble. 

That means that there was nothing at the time of our meeting that sparked my interest, made them stand out, or gave me cause to think of them as significant. As I write this I feel a bit guilty because I guess I’d like to be the kind of human who finds things in people that I can enjoy, admire, and remember. But alas, this is not so. There are the mundanes, the hopeless, the Abercrombie/Old Navy/ Gap wearing masses who think they can buy originality from a chain store, or repeat lines from the TV or People Magazine, and be a real person. 

If you watch Entertainment Tonight, or Extra, or E! TV, you are losing your mind. Minute by minute, you are giving your brain cells to Proctor and Gamble, Lever Bros, and Nabisco. You are becoming one with the products and celebrities that you worship. The people who actually create the culture you consume are more real than you, and thats just what they want. Stare into my eyes and suck, suck, suck the nipple of mass media. You will soon be as forgettable as a dust bunny in a dust storm. Laughable, and sad, but soooo true. 

Avatarism may be just another word to you, but I caution you to listen to the wisdom behind the ism.

CONSCIOUSLY CREATE YOUR CHARACTER ON THE REAL WORLD PLATFORM. This means, up level yourself from the state of mundane and homogenous, to a creature that gains skill sets chosen by you, and don’t stop practicing till you have mastery of those skills. 

UPHOLD OTHER AVATARS AND THEY WILL UPHOLD YOU. You are not, have never been, and can not exist alone. What we make fun of, hate, and try to belittle, we cannot have. So if you are annoyed by someone making a push to learn, transform, or up level, You will be left out of the game baby. Provide support, love, and acceptance to your fellow mundanes in flux, and you build a support system for present and future awesome. 

TELL THEM WHO YOU ARE AND THEY WILL REMIND YOU WHEN YOU BECOME LOST OR DISPASSIONATE. There is no use giving pity, it serves no purpose other than to soothe a wound. Pity does not heal. Giving a friend a little “poor baby” is a great salve and is a good deed. But in the next moment, a more worthwhile communication is to remind that person who they really are, away from the upset and the hurt. The way to do that is to actually inquire after who that person is creating themselves as. Who do they want to be in their highest version of themselves, what is their Avatar of Power.

Living god

God of love

Circus clown


Sex kitten

Tiger mama

Prince of air

Medicine shaman, healer, or hero. 

If people don’t remember you, it’s your fault. 

I say this unto you, turn up the faucet, be love, be sparkling, look deep into people’s eyes, notice them and listen for the cue to help them achieve their highest vision for themselves. If you judge them not worthy, scary, evil, or vampires, go find someone else to impact, and do it. Nothing happens in this world without all of us. We are one. The rules apply to all. Use your time wisely and for good, use humor love and your inherent appeal, be it sexy, intellectual, quixotic, or any gift the universe gave you.

Just use it. 

Turn up the sparkle faucet and let the world bathe in your glory.

In loving memory,

iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism presents: Show up as your character and everyone will play along.

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Avatarism presents: Show up as your character and everyone will play along.

Who are you being right now, tomorrow, yesterday? How will that Avatar effect your ability to get what you want on the real world platform. This life is a game! Are you a NPC (Non player character) controlled by the matrix, or are you a PC (player character) in search of philosophic gold and treasures of the mind.

No one expects to meet a superhero. Most people are sarcastic, jealous, needy, and sad. They just mask it with loads of rich toxic food, drugs, and inferior entertainment. They literally kill their energetic field with crap of every kind all the while thinking that they are actually living. All that gets pulled into sharp and uncomfortable focus when said mundane meets a person that is embodying an Avatar of some magnetism and power.  What if YOU were that person of great magnetism and undeniable sparkle also known as SUPERHERO that someone got to meet. They weren’t expecting it, they don’t meet people like you often, you become one of their FAVORITE PEOPLE! This is no trick, its actual, factual, and useful. I’d venture to say it’s the most useful dramatic ritual you can use day to day, day or night, 24/7, 365. 

There is a myth that the highest accomplishment of your character in action is to “JUST BE YOURSELF.” But when you think about it, what are you, but a collection of ideas and sound bites copied from your parents, friends, tv shows, movies, books, and games, your victories, and misfortunes. This “JUST BE YOURSELF,” advice is usually given to poor slobs who are trying to meet or score with someone that are attracted to. I am not saying lie, I’m saying you are perfect, whole, and ready for more. I am authorizing you to not spend another day locked in a sad sack, mundane, self deprecating state of non awesome. 

Lets explore how a little Avatarism can help get you why you want. Mock up the Avatar of the TALENT AGENT. You are sure of yourself, you dress well, you are in possession of a stable of great and talented artists who you can speak about with assuredness and passion. You would walk into a room….scratch that, you take the room with a look, a well placed pause, and then tell them that you have the answer to their prayers, and they believe you. 

Fake it till you make it should be written at the top of every door in your house till you GET IT IN! Every famous, infamous, genius, successful, and otherwise awesome person in the world has done this. They walked onto the bridge when they were scared of falling, jumped out the plane when they thought they would sh*t their pants, and came out on stage in front of the crowd when they thought that maybe they would cry, or run, or freeze. 

I am the iRev. Alexander PolinSKY, I am Captain Sky of the Rogue Mechanica, I am Jim Henson, Jim Morrison, Kermit the Frog, Crowley, Parsons, Hubbard, and Dali. I am that which I was not before. I am that which I was afraid to embody. I am he who dwells in the realm of possibility, transformation, and enthusiasm. 

I am that. You are too.

You are Avatar.

Love always,

Alexander PolinSKY

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

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Avatarism presents, Personal history and face reading


Avatarism presents, Personal history and face reading

We are all alone in our skin. However much we try to be known by others, they can never truly know us.


I don’t have any memories of my parents being together except one. I remember being in my house and getting the idea to have my parents surprise each other. First I went to my dad and told him in my four year old way, that he should sneak up and scare mommy, then I told mom to scare Dad. My Mom was making dinner and Dad responded to my idea with a quip “what are you trying to pull here Alexander.” Immediately I felt defeat, it may be the first time I had ever felt it. Possibly I felt their relationship breaking up, I wanted them to reconnect, and that is the only thing I could think of to get them back in harmony. In any case that’s the only memory I have of my parents together as a family. That’s the day I woke up.

Waking up is hard to do

I decided that I didn’t know what anyone was gong to do (least of all my parents whom I knew better then anyone), and so I better get really good at observing people because their actions seemed to affect my life, big time. I watched faces and eyes, I could see when people were hiding things. Not little things like white lies, but big things, life issues, deep problems and regret.  I began to see these broadcast across peoples faces even when they think they are being subtle or stoic. It has been a strange and confronting 33 years from there. Being so observant of faces. I am flooded with data at places like the supermarket, a concert, or festival. If I am passive, and not judging, I can watch people for hours and not get bored. Sometimes though, in heavily populated areas it can be too much. 

If I find someone who has really good control over their facial expressions and I can’t tell what they are thinking, it has a calming effect on me for a while. “Great!” I think, here is someone like me who can morph and alter feelings according to the situation, a social chameleon, an emotional adept, or enlightened creature. But this can be a bad thing. People who hide their emotions facially can be trouble. In my case, I can choose to give you no information with my face in order to not burden you with my troubles, or to seem calm when I am freaking out. This skill is important for actors and healers especially.  But for others, its a protection mechanism that is used unconsciously. They may have been through some incredibly horrible things and have lost their contact with their emotions because it’s to painful to go in and experience much of anything anymore. There may be counter intentions that they are hiding or emotions that would give them away if they did emote, so they cover the emotion/lie/or fear and do not give the information that usually would be appropriate.

Why do I write this now, honestly I don’t know. Maybe I want to know if I am alone in this art of facial reading.

Loving you,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

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Avatarism presents, Living gods, superheroes, and dramatic ritual for up-leveling.


Avatarism presents, Living gods, superheroes, and dramatic ritual for up-leveling.

There is a way to up-level your character in the real world platform. You can change your self image from mundane, to living godhood if you wish. You don’t even have to leave your living room. The way to impress your nervous system and change your brain for good is so simple, a kid can do it. In fact, I did it as a kid, and it helped me become a superhero for millions of kids when I voiced characters on Teen Titans, Legion of Superheroes, Batman, Transformers, Ben Ten, Starship Troopers, and more. I am living proof that Avatarism works. 

Before I discovered my power to up-level my character and began to implement my ideas about programming myself, I was a mess. Diagnosed as OCD, borderline turrets’s syndrome, chronically depressed, had repetitive ticks of the hand and face, horrible reoccurring dreams, suicidal thoughts, and taking anti depressants.

Out of desperation and deep curiosity, I began researching meditation, mantra, world religions, brainwashing, hypnosis, bio feedback, meta-programming, brain changing drugs, dramatic ritual, the Occult, brain science, and NLP. I found that all the most effective techniques were using dramatic rituals or games to imprint the person with a new set of beliefs about himself. I was astonished that more people weren’t using these techniques to meta-program themselves, but it wasn’t till my training as an actor intersected with all this knowledge, that I truly found my recipe for up-leveling.

I was a child actor since the age of 4. I starred in films and TV shows, most note-ably  the comedy “Charles in Charge,” (circa 1989) My father taught me the basics of the craft and introduced me to sense memory, building characters, and his training gave me the ability to create “reality,” on stage. I felt different after each part I mastered. I gained the skills and confidence of each character as if I was that character. This was my first lesson in the life changing power of drama. 

Drama is older than language,

we are creatures of drama,

and our world is shaped by it continuously. 

I have coached people by using my own brand of Avataristic dramatic ritual for the last 11 years. I have seen Avatarism work. We can treat people as living gods and see them altered in amazing ways. These formally mundane people gain insight into their old and degenerate programming and rewire themselves. Not only do they gain powers, but they use their power for good, to help others up-level. We can uphold each other to the highest version of ourselves that we can imagine. We can allow our fellow humans to be the superheroes they want to be. Stand back, and enjoy the show. 

“What you can creatively think of, you can powerfully become.”-iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Meditate on your power character, see yourself as your avatar, mock up a spirit army, and lead them into battle against a formidable foe. Close your eyes and become the warrior god, the priest, shaman, or leader of mankind, and when you open your eyes, you will have had the experience in another dimension, that of mind, but in terms of meta-programming yourself, there is no difference. Your confidence and magnetism is increased, you may cry with joy, or stand more firm in your place. 

Try saying this, or writing your own Avatar Aphorism…..

“I am a living god/superhero/star of my own movie, conscious of my power, able to change myself, heal my physical and emotional wounds, and transmute pain. My will is the way. My love and upholding of others, is my gift. My great work is to consciously create my character in the real world. My mission is to start, move forward, and never stop”


We can recreate ourselves as we wish. We can become ethical when we have been evil. We can control our inner voice of fear with a stronger outer voice of determination. I am filled with excitement and hope that Avatarism may be the game that saves lives, creates living gods, and raises our confidence to the level of superheroes. We have no need for violence! We can change the world through conscious character building, skill collecting, up-leveling on the real world platform, and dramatic ritual. 

“We are perfect, whole, and ready for more.”-iRev. Alexander Polinsky

We have so much to do, time is ticking away, the seconds become minutes and hours. There is little we can do to change others, but we can change ourselves, that is a noble game, a great game! I empower you to seek and employ the ideas of Avatarism as I have presented them in this blog. Create your Avatar, elect your own super gurus from the past, fiction, fantasy, and beyond. Collect skills instead of tricks. Forego manipulation of others in favor of a developed, personal magnetism, based on excellence and mastery.

I will be teaching these concepts to anyone who want’s to learn.

The techniques OF AVATARISM are simple and life changing. Please join me in the game.

Be your character.

Be a player.

Play for what you want.

Be your Avatar.

All together now….say YES!

Alexander Polinsky 

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

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Avatarism Presents: Being Imperfect In Relationships


Avatarism Presents: Being Imperfect In Relationships

I realize I am human. Part of the organic makeup of this universe. I am highly specialized for thought, action, and reaction. I am not “THE god,” just one of the many living manifestations of the godhead in action on this platform. I am capable of intense goodness and great evil. I must be in accord with my prime directive if I want to keep my head and do good in the world. 

I aim to be excellent in my actions and reactions, I measure, I stop, look, and listen to the moment I am about to create and use my super awesomeness instead of my reactionary blowhard. This is how I keep myself free of actions that need apology. And, I am not perfect.

If you are in a relationship and you love with a fierce and dedicated heart as I do, you may know what problems can come up. If there is misunderstanding, imbalance, or infidelity, then mistrust can lead to a special kind of emotional stress. The danger feeling, the “not friend,” feeling, dire and painful feelings come up. Sit with them for a moment and see what you are creating, what is real, and what is false. One of the hardest things about loving, is letting go of judgement. In this brave new world of many choices, we are taught by the media that the newest thing, the latest fad, or the new person might be better than what we have now. But every new technology, fad, or person brings a whole new universe of needs, learning curves, and curve balls. 

I understand that my relationship is so important to me that I feel sometimes I could kill whomever gets in the way. No one is gonna take her from me! This is where my ethics come in and save me from taking revenge on the other man. I have the cognitive ability to assess the weakness in the offending body and destroy him with a counter strike of such tactical perfection that he wouldn’t know what hit him. The destruction of his business, his family life, his character, and his inevitable deportation from the country. WHOA! I am a powerfully dark wizard if I set my mind to it. 


If my lover wants to leave me, cheat, or be with someone else, I have to understand that is her choice, her adventure. I have to confront that it might be the end of our relationship, or the lesson that brings us closer.  As Dan Levitt used to say, I can’t have the person who loves me tell me no. We must allow our lovers and friends their path to their own bliss and up-leveling. I will not give into revenge or retribution unless my life is threatened. I will take myself out for ice cream instead. I will up-level my skill set to increase my own magnetism instead of worrying about what may happen. I refuse to live in uncertainty and pain. 

Be kind to yourself and make friends with your pain. Smooth the frayed edges with actions of kindness, fierce introspection, and a spirit good natured inflexibility when it comes to your happiness.

I am a soldier for the cause of my personal truth. I am the Knight of air, on a flying horse, high above the mundane problems of men. I am a living god, conscious of my power, able to re-program myself, and change my brain. I am. I breathe. I love. I let go.

Do not doubt your power to re-program the parts of your bio-computer that malfunction or do not serve your highest vision of yourself. Take care in the fermentation of your character, build it well, and in the final judgement, we will feel satisfied and ready for the next adventure.


iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

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Avatarism Presents: Being A Living God And Supporting Yourself

I am creating myself as a living god/superhero/star of my movie every day. That means the confidence that I mock up, is greater than I feel somedays, I do it anyway. The actions I endeavor to take are beyond the mundane and normal self I may have been yesterday, I take those actions anyway. The words I speak and the ideas I communicate are the best and most life affirming/situation changing, that I can muster even though they may be scary or confronting. 

I may feel like shit now, but I know that this is my game. Avatarism can be a religion/path/process of self cultured meta-programming towards the goal of action/satisfaction. I incite a victorious cycle, even when my shadow self says “give up,” “not worthy,” or “hide.” Meta-programming is a skill that can be learned. Robert Anton Wilson wrote that self programming will become more and more important in this century as access to information increases. If we can know ourselves well, we can track our degenerate programming in real time, and combat systemic black magic with positive and creative memes. It can be done. 

Temple Grandin, the famous autistic designer and lecturer was unable to touch others and hugging gave her intense emotional pain. She used her creativity to develop a way to experience the calming feeling of a hug without the human contact that disturbed her. She built a hugging machine out of wood to “hug,” her. Her creative and physical solution to an emotional problem was the catalyst that brought her more into the world and allowed her to bring her genius and wisdom to the cattle industry in which she later revolutionized, and the lecture circuit which she now excels in. Like Temple Grandin, how can we design a system to hug/comfort/or support us in our up-leveling, and quest for our highest vision for ourselves.

“I inspire myself first and then set my sights on the rest of my tribe and world.”

-iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

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