where you could,

Stop….listen….and integrate,

through will, magic,

or meditation, 

and change your operating system.

let all your notions about yourself dissolve, transcend the monologue of the super villain in your mind, stop worrying about possible future outcomes, and take back your power effortlessly.

If you have a super villain voice inside that talks shit to you, then that means you have to acknowledge that there are two people talking here!

Which one do you want to listen to?

Your voice, your speaking voice, the one that comes from your own mouth, that’s the real one. Let that voice come to your aid in times of peril, or rampant inward shit talking.

“You might be crazy if you talk to yourself, but you’re fucking insane if you talk shit to yourself.” - Alexander Polinsky

The game of Avatarism is a way to strengthen character, ferment character, build character. Nothing can be built if the inward bastard has the floor. Unhorse that a-hole with a clear, and loud comunication.

Something like these…

NO! Stop! I have the helm! This life is for living in happiness and harmony! You shut it! Hey buddy, stop with the B.S. This is how it’s gonna go……I am a living manifestation of the godhead in action, meant to create beauty,uphold myself and others in the game. ZIP IT! Get back. Jump back, kiss myself! Hot Pants! This is the prime directive……..


No matter what phrase you use to pattern interrupt yourself, DO IT, START IT, PERFECT IT. 

Life will become easier, more creative, and you will be more accepting of others and their B.S.

All in,

Alexander Polinsky
